january 11, 2024



hi reader! happy new year! 2024 is fucking crazy. i feel so old. nothing's new, honestly. it's been the same old same old for a while now. i feel a little bit better about myself, though. still just as lonely as before. i don't know, i can't handle being alone but i also can't handle talking to people. i get so overwhelmed and in my own head, i freak myself out.

on another note, i think im going to the mitski concert in a few weeks! im going with helena, which is exciting. ill have to listen to all her music and try not to make myself too sad. i bought acid off of alonso today. he hasn't delivered yet, but i have hope that he will soon. i cant wait to trip balls and geek, i'm so hyped. i'm getting back into fandom (as embarassing as it is). i never really fell out of it, but i'm back to my tried and true: voltron and percy jackson. i love fandoms so much. i think consuming content about things and stuff is the best ever. i love love love it. i'm not a big fan of the new percy jackson show, but the original books still withstand the test of time pretty well. i really do hope the new pjo fandom doesn't end up like that weird new wave of harry potter fans.